(Disclaimer: It is up to medical professionals who are trained in hysteroscopy to assess the performance of these products. I am not in a position to endorse them).
Hysteroscopy is gold-standard method for the evaluation of the uterine cavity to diagnose conditions such as intrauterine adhesions, endometrial polyps and fibroids and structural malformations such as septate uterus. Operative hysteroscopy is used for treating the diagnosed condition where microscissors or other instruments are used for tissue dissection. A resectoscope is a hysteroscope which is equipped with loop that uses electrical energy for cutting, although the loop can be used without thermal energy as a mechanical cutting tool. Operative hysteroscopy is also used by some gynecologists to remove retained products of conception in select patients and/or situations. It may raise eyebrows among some medicaI professionals who have been trained to rely on blind curettage (D&C) for a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic indications, but there should be no reason why it is not routinely used in Gynecology, including for ERPC when expectant or medical management fail to completely empty the uterus after a miscarriage, instead of blind curettage. There are a number of publications describing hysteroscopic curettage (1-7) for removing RPOC. Blind curettage is the most common cause of intrauterine adhesions (Asherman’s syndrome), which leads to infertility necessitating corrective surgery. The lack of Obgyns suitably trained in hysteroscopy is another reason why hysteroscopy has not replaced the D&C. Unfortunately, the use of hysteroscopy in Gynecology is even declining from the time it was first invented in the 1980s. Hysteroscopy is the logical progression from blind scraping invented over a century ago. It’s hard to believe that over a century later this comparatively rudimentary technique for women is still being used. Minimally invasive techniques are routinely used in Urology (e.g. in-office cytoscopy). Women also need to empower themselves and support more precise and safer methods by choosing hysteroscopy over blind curettage. Most gynaecologists perform blind curettage without giving a second thought to any long term risks involved. They may not be aware of the future problems it has caused their patients unless the patient specifically contacts them to tell them.
Finally, this article by Dr Keith Isaacson(8) is not new, but it outlines the uses of hysteroscopy, compares office and hospital hysteroscopy and dispels the common misconceptions about it that are hindering its widespread use, such as poor reimbursements and a difficult learning curve. http://www.obpmedical.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/office%20hysteroscopy%20-%20a%20valuable%20but%20under-%20utilized%20technique.pdf REFERENCES
- Nicopoullos JDM, Treharne A, Raza A and Richardson R. The use of a hysteroscopic resectoscope for repeat evacuation of retained products of conception procedures: a case series. Gynecological Surgery. 2010; 7(2):163-6. Abstract http://www.springerlink.com/content/384125gp81055401/
- M.H. Emanuel, F.W. Jansen and D. Schoot The Hysteroscopic Morcellator, an Effective Technique for the Removal of Residual Trophoblastic Tissue Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology Volume 16, Issue 6, Supplement 1, 2009, Page S85.
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- T. Dankert & M. Vleugels. Hysteroscopic resection of retained placental tissue:a feasibility study Gynecol Surg . 2008; 5:121–124. Free article www.springerlink.com/index/w4021j484l211057.pdf
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