You would think that if a ObGyn that performed a 'straightforward, routine' D&C which resulted in intrauterine adhesions and infertility (ie. Asheman's syndrome) you would have legal recourse. Think again. The vast majority of these cases end up with the patient not winning any damages. Incredible but, sadly, true. This is why I am so gung-ho on replacing D&Cs with drug alternatives which currently exist. It's simple madness to go through with a D&C which can decimate your fertility while the doctor gets away with it scot free. No wonder D&C continues to be such a popular surgery- there is no incentive to stop or at least be a little more discrimminating in its use when doctors are not held accountable for the outcomes. So simple too, even an intern can do it and no one will find out if it was a disaster until the damage is already done!
I would love for there to be an open list of doctors who caused Asherman's syndrome from D&Cs that were deemed to be simple and straighforward, not in any life-threatening emergency situation, for example (I'm more sympathetic to doctors who faced emergencies). This list would at least warn other women to avoid those doctors and have well-deserved repercussions on their wallets. It is afterall, their duty to care for their patients and not cause them harm and if they caused Asherman's syndrome from such a 'straightforward' procedure, they clearly breached their contract as a medical professional.
OK, I contend that it is difficult, maybe impossible, to not cause any damage from a D&C when you are poking objects into a small, soft, and fragile organ you cannot even see. But this is my point: if doctors want to continue pretending that it's acceptable to do D&Cs and stubbornly refuse to offer cheaper and less invasive drugs or a visually guided method like hysteroscopy, they should be held responsible for the consequences. As the situation stands, they continue to have their cake and eat it too. D&Cs, unlike hysteroscopy, do not require much skill (it’s hard to judge the outcome when the organ is concealed), and unlike misoprostol, it is financially rewarding to hospitals, Gyns/ObGyns, and anesthesiologists. Why would they want to work harder than they already do or earn less?
So why do these legal suits lose? One obvious reason is that medical malpractice suits have always been difficult to win because doctors are very well protected. Doctors are extremely supportive of each other and it is difficult to find a doctor who is willing to give expert medical advice in a case implicating a peer. This probably stems from reciprocity: "I'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine." Who knows if said medical expert will not face a malpractice suit (justified or not) some time in their career...
What perplexes me is that a lawyer can take on a medical case without having a medical or scientific degree or understanding basic health issues. Come to think of it, it is also somewhat disturbing that doctors don't need to be taught how to think objectively and critically to practice medicine, but I digress...
Defense lawyers and doctors will come up with all sorts of excuses to dismiss a valid medical case against them. This is where the Asherman's syndrome myths come in so handy. They are ‘facts’ which continue to be accepted without real evidence, often hypothesized decades ago at a time when well respected doctors in the field could formulate opinions without any scientific basis or need for clinical trials (no wonder some of them developed a ‘God complex’) and their peers believed them and even today continue to cite their published theories in the guise of ‘evidence’ in peer-reviewed medical journal articles. These opinions, in particular about Asherman’s syndrome, have over the years transformed into ‘dogma’ which medical school students are indoctrinated with. Somehow no one ever asks “Why are we blindly accepting what this doctor 50 years ago suggested when they didn’t have the advances in knowledge, diagnostic/surgical tools and understanding of evidence based medicine that we have today? ” Which leads me to wonder, as medicine is becoming more and more scientific in nature (evidence-based medicine), will this change the expected outcomes of some cases? I think it will inevitably do so. But there is still a long way to go.
I also wanted to mention a legal perspective which has always riled me in relation to Asherman's syndrome (I would think it also applies to other medical injuries affecting fertility): in a court of law where the nature of injury and of suffering are apparently graded, it makes no difference whether you had 10 children or none before the injury leading to infertility. Now, I know from the Asherman's International Support Group that such an attitude is promoted to keep the peace and encourage bonding (“we’re all in the same boat”), but to think that the law makes no distinction between someone who has been prevented from ever reproducing (a basic human right according to the United Nations charter) and someone who has done so is just plain cruel. There is no 'scientifically correct' answer to this, but one would think that the logical and instinctive answer is that the condition has more consequences for those who never had children before the injury than those who have.
It is difficult to find information about Asherman’s syndrome law suits on the internet, and judging by the number of visits this particular entry gets, it would appear to be an area that many women would like to learn more about. I have downloaded the few articles on lawsuits I have been able to find and will write another blog entry (one day) about what I find out from them. From a quick scan though, what I can say is that it appears that most of the successful lawsuits do not stem from injury of the D&C per se which caused Asherman’s syndrome, but from ‘negligence’ of a doctor to correctly identify and remove retained products of conception/placenta. It would appear that the law considers D&Cs an inherent risk, although curiously, women who give their ‘informed consent’ are rarely told of the specific risks of Asherman’s syndrome or the correct incidence rates.
The failure of justice for Asherman’s syndrome sufferers who underwent routine D&Cs for standard care is yet another argument in favour of Asherman’s syndrome prevention by replacing D&Cs with medical management or hysteroscopy…
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
Law suits and Asherman's syndrome: another failure for victims
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